【重阳节的习俗】国庆节的习俗 英文 国庆节的来历和习俗(中英文

台式机 2016-03-25 18:48:49 台式机
[摘要]一、国庆节的习俗 英文National Day is every countrys major festivals, but the name is different Many countrie


一、国庆节的习俗 英文

National Day is every country"s major festivals, but the name is different. Many countries called the National Day or National Day , there are a number of countries called Independence Day and Independence Day , and some called the Republic Day and Day of the Republic and Revolution Day and Liberation Day , Renaissance Day and Constitution Day and so on, there is a direct name in order to add Day , such as Australia Day and Pakistan Day , while some of King"s birthday or for the accession to the throne on National Day In case of replacement of the King, a specific date for the National Day also replaced. During the National Day, should be held to celebrate the different forms of activities to enhance their people"s sense of patriotism and strengthen national cohesion. States also have to congratulate each other. Every five ten every National Day, and some would also like to expand the scale of the celebration. To celebrate the National Day, governments often have to hold a National Day reception by the Head of State, Heads of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs presided over come forward, at the invitation of the countries in diplomatic and other important foreign guests to attend. However, some countries not to hold a press conference, such as the United States, Britain does not hold a press conference. (Primary schools will introduce the revolutionary hero at a critical time for us to learn from them)

译文:国庆节是每个国家的重要节日,但名称是不同的。许多国家叫 国庆节 或 国庆日 ,有一种叫 独立日 和 独立日 的国家数,还有一些被称为 共和国日 , 共和国日 和 革命日 和 解放日 , 文艺复兴节 和 宪法日 等,有一个命令,指示的名字加上 日 ,如 澳大利亚日 和 巴基斯坦日 ,而国王的生日一些或为向国庆日之王,为国庆的具体日期替代个案登基也取代。国庆期间,应举行庆祝活动的不同形式,以提高本国人民的爱国意识,增强民族凝聚力。各国还必须相互祝贺。每五十年每逢国庆节,有的还要扩大庆祝规模。为庆祝国庆,各国政府通常要举行一次国庆由国家元首,政府首脑或外交部长外交部长出面主持招待会在国家在外交和其他重要外宾来参加会议的邀请。然而,一些国家不举行记者招待会,如美国,英国不举行记者招待会。 (小学将推出在关键时刻,我们向他们学习革命英雄)

二、国庆节的习俗 英文
National, the term refers to the national celebration of the matter, first seen in the Western Jin Dynasty. Western Jin Dynasty writer Lu in the five other lords of A text once the National independence Xiang their profits, their main worry Mo harm, the record, China"s feudal era, the national celebration of the event, too great emperor ascended the throne, the birth of (the birthday of the Qing Long live the emperor said section) and so on. Thus the emperor ascended the throne in ancient China, the birth is called National Day. Countries today called for the National Day anniversary.


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