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娱乐活动 2023-12-22 08:03:37 娱乐活动




Dear Mr。 Wang,

I am very sorry that I shall be unable to e to your classes today owing to a bad cold。 I enclose a certificate from the doctor who is attending me。 He said it will be two or three days before I shall be able to resume my school。


April 20


Dear Mr/Ms XXX;

Today I"m writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I"ve got cold last night with carlessness。

This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days。 So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons。 I"ll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness。

Yours ever,


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An Application For Annual Leave

To: Mr。 John Smith, General Manager

From: George Chen, Accounting Department

Date: January 22, 2003

Subject: Application for annual leave

Dear Mr。 Smith,

I would like to apply for an annual leave from January 25th to 31st。

As you may know the Spring Festival is falling on February 1st this year。 It"s the most important holiday in China and offers the best occasion for family reunion。 However, over the past 3 years I missed the reunions due to tight work schedule。 Now that I have wrapped up my work for this year, I would like to go back to my hometown to pay filial piety to my parents and help my sole brother prepare his wedding on January 28th。


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